The anti-GHG 501c3

We use philanthropic capital to catalyze permanent carbon removal.


Our planet needs high-quality, permanent carbon removal, now.

As a 501c3, we pool tax-deductible donations from people, foundations, family offices, and donor advised funds, and make strategic purchases of high-quality carbon removal. We don’t get credits or offsets in return, we just reduce atmospheric greenhouse gases.

Climate scientists agree: it’s not enough just to reduce emissions. We also need to remove large amounts of carbon dioxide already in the atmosphere.

Carbon removal solutions exist, but they’re not growing fast enough, and there aren’t enough of them. We need to rapidly accelerate the deployment of permanent, high-quality carbon removal. To do that, we need policy change, corporate buyers, venture capital, philanthropic support—we need it all. We’re here to channel more of the philanthropic dollars to carbon removal.


As a 501c3, donations are tax-deductible, and you’ll receive a tax-compliant receipt via email.


We believe in being open about everything we do, from our research sources and methodology to our decision-making process and project portfolio.


Our work is straightforward by design. We make it easy for anyone to make real change for the planet.


A tax-deductible vehicle for carbon removal.

We use research from leading climate organizations like Frontier and CarbonPlan and evaluate potential recipients against strict criteria to ensure donations drive real impact on the planet.

Donors include Grantham Foundation, Conscience Bay Research, Tim Ferriss, Paul Graham, and dozens of other funds and people who want to shape the future of the carbon removal market.



Carbon is removed as a result of the donation, and wouldn’t otherwise have happened.



Providers have scientifically rigorous, transparent reporting on the amount of carbon removed as a result of the purchase.

Long term

Long term

Carbon is stored for centuries or millennia.



Projects have no negative social and economic impact in the communities they operate in.



Projects have the potential to scale to many megatons per year and become drastically more affordable.



Leading climate experts have published research on or publicly supported the project.



Our purchase increases the odds that a company successfully reaches scale as quickly as possible.


Putting philanthropic dollars behind high-quality carbon removal projects.

Know a project we should consider supporting? Tell us more about it and we'll be in touch.

“Deploying carbon dioxide removal at gigaton-scale is crucial. Terraset is helping drive philanthropic capital towards the projects that’ll make it possible.”

Andrew Beebe, Managing DirectorObvious Ventures

“While the voluntary market can only take us so far, it is playing a critical role in jumpstarting the CDR market, and enabling donors and philanthropists to direct funds in this important area is creative and potentially hugely impactful. I’m excited to see where this goes!”

Jason Jacobs, PartnerMy Climate Journey

“Early demand for high-quality carbon removal projects like Planetary is crucial. It funds early development and sends a signal to the market. What Terraset is doing to bring philanthropic dollars to serve this purpose is brilliant and exactly what we need more of.”

Mike Kelland, CEOPlanetary

“Removing 1 billion tons of carbon dioxide in the next 15 years is possible, but it’s hard. We need organizations like Terraset to lead the charge in driving early demand, so we can scale up, drive costs down, and hit our aggressive global climate targets.”

Shashank Samala, CEOHeirloom

“With Terraset, I know I’m purchasing high-quality, long-term carbon removal, and the tax benefits mean my purchase goes further. They’re removing carbon right when we need it most.”

Calvin French-Owen, FounderSegment

Our people.


The latest from Terraset.

Oct 10, 2024

Terraset partners with Unbound Summits to drive live removals at Carbon Unbound
Read more
Sep 17, 2024

Donors can now support carbon removal by Climeworks via Terraset
Read more
Jul 2, 2024

Philanthropy: the Untapped Trillion-Dollar Climate Opportunity
Read more
Partners & donors

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